We exclusively ship FedEx Ground or Expedited 2-Day depending on destination and the time of year. During checkout, you will see available delivery options for every ship to address you specify, and an estimate of shipping and packaging costs. Since we are shipping perishable products, we cannot ship products to arrive on non-business days. If we determine that, based on your selected shipping method, we cannot ship your package to arrive before the weekend, we will delay your order until the following Monday to ensure your perishable products will not spend time sitting in a warm warehouse over the weekend. Conditions such as extreme heat or blizzard conditions will be taken into consideration when the final shipping method is to be determined and what packaging materials are used to ship the product.
We do not ship outside the contiguous United States, nor can we ship to P.O. Boxes (FedEx can ship to UPS or virtual boxes that aren't at a USPS office. Whatever address is on file with your card issuing bank should be used during checkout. This can be a P.O. Box).
Circumstances beyond our control make it impossible to guarantee delivery dates. To manage or track your shipment with FedEx, please visit the Fedex website.
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